Use step-by-step spelling lesson plans for spelling success! You and your students will gain confidence in spelling in tricky words by progressing methodically through key concepts.
The printable lesson includes ten steps for spelling success. This lesson is suitable for grades 5 and up, including ESL students and adults.
See my list of 285 IE/EI words for more practice.
Begin with this short pretest. Decide if
or ei
goes in each blank.
1. My n__ ghbor bel __ves he can ach__ve almost anything.
2. N___ ther the dog nor the cat w____ghs more than our pet
3. When my fr__nd drinks too much caff__ne, he starts acting
4. Clare hopes to rec___ve a job after the interv___w.
5. Our v___ns move blood to and from the heart.
Check your answers at the end of this lesson.
Memorize this rule. It doesn’t always work, but
it will help
you with many of these tricky words.
i before e
after c
when sounded like a
As in neighbor and weigh.
Now let’s look at each part
of the rule, one piece at a time.
Put i before e…
IE words that fit the rule: achieve, belief, believe, brief, chief, die, field, fierce, friend, grief, grieve, niece, pie, piece, relief, retrieve, shield, siege, thief, tie, view, yield
Finish spelling these words:
th __ f br___ f fr___ nd gr___ f n___ce
rel___ f f ___ ld y ____ ld v___w ach ___ ve
Write sentences for these words: shield piece believe
Check your answers at the end of this lesson.
Except after c…
EI words that fit the rule: ceiling, conceive, conceited, deceive, perceive, receipt, receive
Finish spelling these words:
rec ___pt conc___ted perc ___ve
Write sentences for these words: receive ceiling deceive
Check your answers at the end of this lesson.
Now practice both sets of words that you’ve learned so far. Finish the words.
1. The winds blew so f___rcely that no one could bel___ ve
the damage they caused.
2. I will need a
rec___pt for the money you rec____ved from me.
3. My mom was so rel ___ved to have the bathroom c___ling
4. The th ___ f did not ...
Or when sounded like a
As in neighbor and weigh.
EI words that fit the rule: beige, eight, freight, neigh, neighbor, reign, rein, reindeer, sleigh, veil, vein, weigh, weight
Finish spelling these words:
v___l __ghteen n___gh r___ndeer b___ge
w___gh r__n __ght w__ght r___gn
Write sentences for these words:
veil, neighbor, freight
Check your answers at the end of this lesson.
Review all the words that you’ve learned so far. Copy all the misspelled words in this paragraph. Rewrite this entire paragraph, spelling all the words correctly.
My neice was ready to play her first piece in a piano recital. She wore a biege top. She was eighth in the program, so she had to wait backstage out of view. She did not want to yeild to her nerves. She looked first at the floor, then at the ceiling. Finally it was her turn. She played so well that she recieved much applause. She felt great releif!
Check your answers at the end of this lesson.
Now you’re ready to add two more lines to the rhyme to cover some of the common exceptions to the first part of the rhyme:
Put i before e
Except after c
Or when sounded like a
As in neighbor and weigh.
Either, neither, leisure and seize
Are exceptions, so watch for these!
The words we’ve just added to the rhyme are some of the most common words that don’t fit the first four lines of the rule. In all of these words, ei makes the long e sound.
Two more words like this are caffeine and protein. It’s best to just memorize them.
In these sentences, if a bold word is spelled wrong, write it correctly on your paper. Then rewrite the entire sentence, spelling each word correctly. If the word is spelled correctly, simply move on to the next sentence.
1. You should either go outside or close the door.
2. My nieghbor says that weekends are meant for relaxation and leisure.
3. The doctor told me I needed to eat more foods with protien. __________
4. Niether rain nor snow will keep me from visiting you tomorrow! __________
5. The theif tried to sieze a lot of cash from the register. __________
Check your answers at the end of this lesson.
Now let’s look at some exceptions to the rhyme. Many exceptions fall into these categories:
Words spelled cie in which the c is pronounced sh:
ancient, conscience, efficient, glacier, proficient, species
Words in which ei spells the long i sound:
height, sleight, science, scientist
Words in which EIT is pronounced fit:
forfeit, counterfeit
Other words we haven’t covered elsewhere:
heir, heifer, weird
Make two columns on a piece of paper. Label one column: Words Spelled Correctly. Label the second column: Words Spelled Incorrectly. Write each word in the Correct column. Write each word in the Incorrect column correctly three times on the same piece of paper.
science hieght forfeit hier weird
leisure anceint believe sleight counterfiet
heifer perceive cieling glacier efficeint
Practice every type of word in this lesson. Write ie or ei in each blank.
1. I found a w_____ rd new spec____s of insects in the garden.
2. My fr____nd found some of these bugs in the wheat f___ld.
3. One sc____ntist wanted to w____gh the insects.
4. Our team had to forf____t the baseball game because we had only ___ght players.
5. The clouds were dec___ving because we didn’t rec___ve rain.
6. The storm blew so f___rcely that it knocked a fr___ght train off the track.
7. As we rode in the sl___gh, the horse n___ghed when I pulled on its r___ns.
8. The actor was so conc___ted that he bel___ved no one could take his place.
9. The lawyer hoped to ach___ve justice with the papers he carried in his br___fcase.
10. Can you retr___ve my password?
Check your answers at the end of this lesson.
Make a list of any words you missed in Step Nine to study. Review this lesson occasionally to remind yourself of tricky IE/EI words.
Congratulations on completing this Step-By-Step lesson!
Print the entire spelling lesson plan to see all ten steps needed to master IE/ EI words and to check your answers.
My list of 285 IE/EI words will give students of all ages plenty of words to practice.
Here's another step-by-step spelling lesson plan about doubling final consonants when adding suffixes.
Spelling Exercises - Ready-to-use sentences for students to copy from the board. Use ours, then follow this format to make more of your own spelling exercises.
How to Teach Spelling - Teachers, start here! We provide key guidelines for anyone who is trying to teach spelling, regardless the age of the student.
Spelling Homework - The more practice the better! 20 fabulous, flexible ideas for any list of weekly spelling words. Several ideas include input from a family helper
Ann Richmond Fisher is a longtime published educational writer, a former classroom teacher and a former homeschool teacher. Ann's spelling bee resources, graded spelling word lists, spelling games, worksheets, and other language arts resources have become respected around the globe since she launched Spelling-Words-Well in 2010.
Ann is also the creator of
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Spelling Bee Toolboxes for Grades 3/5 and 6/8 All the resources you need for a successful bee!
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Mammoth Spelling Bee Word Lists for grades 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8 with sentences, definitions, and languages
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100 Difficult Spelling Bee Words with Definitions, Sentences and Pronunciations, Volumes 1 and 2
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