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Spelling Word Games

"Spelling Word Games" printed in colorful letter tiles

Few things are better than Spelling Word Games to add excitement to your spelling class. Use our free, easy-to-use games to make spelling practice FUN!  The games here range from preK to upper grade students. Click or scroll through the list and find the ones that are best for your students. 

Spelling Word Games

Games are generally arranged here from easier to harder. Find the PreK-K games first. Look further down the page for primary grades, and then upper grades. Many of my original games have formats that can be played again and again with different words, of varying difficulty. So be sure to look carefully at several different levels of games as you seek out just the right ones for your students. If you still need more help, please Contact Me. I'll advise you, or maybe even write something new!

Sight Word Games - Check out our full collection of sight word games for early learners!

Memory Matches - Use a familiar format to practice beginning sounds and letters. Free printable game cards included!  For PreK-K

a beach and a peach

Stand Up, Sit Down - You and your kids are sure to love this game that asks kids to listen to consonant sounds and to move! For PreK-K

The Tile Game - Players compete to be the first to complete their crossword of first grade spelling words  For grades K-2

Roll-It example from one of our spelling word games at www.spelling-words-well.com

Roll It! - Easy-to-make spelling word games. Roll the consonants around the tube to spell new words. Great at home or at school. For grades 1-2

"Hop To It," one of our fun spelling activities

Hands Up and Hop to It!- These reusable, fun spelling activities will get your kids' attention, and keep it. Play these games in small groups or with the whole class. "Hop to It!" is a great one to take outdoors! For grades 1-4.

Elementary spelling games - Color Land game board

Color Land GameKids practice spelling color words as they try to reach the finish line. Fun for grades 1 - 2.

Compound Word Wizards - Whole class  or large-group activity for practicing compound  word. For grades 2 - 4.

Double the Fun - To double or not to double the final consonant when adding a suffix? Another great game for spelling fun!  For grades 3 - 5.

Baseball batter

Try my version of Spelling Word Baseball.   Adapt the basic game for the best difficulty level for your students, using the many word lists on this website. Batter Up!

bee surrounded by letters SPELLING

Spelling Bee Games - Try one of our new Silent Spelling Bee variations. A fun--and quiet--twist on  a classic game! For grades 2-6.

Another Spelling Bee Game - Students step up to victory as they help their team advance in this fun new game. For grades 2-6.

Here are two fun ideas to put some pizzazz into your weekly spelling bee quizzes. Try these spelling test games this week!

Classroom of students and a teacher

Spelling Bee Pop Quizzes - Try this fun assortment with your students this week! Help prepare them for the big spelling bees ahead!

Free spelling activities for two players - "Shady Spelling"  Printable game boards for two players. Grades 2, 3 and 4.

More Spelling Fun for Kids - A new spelling word game to play on a Scrabble game board. Mumbo-jumbo, anyone?  Grades 2 - 5.

Hamburger, from our Word Sandwich game, from our collection of fun spelling games at www.spelling-words-well.com

Word Sandwiches, The Vowel Game, and Words in a Word - Try these easy-to-conduct fun spelling games that also provide spelling and vocab enrichment.  There are three different games that require very little preparation. 

Make Your Own Board Game - Try these challenging variations on the popular Boggle games. Your students will stretch their spelling and vocab skills in these English spelling games!

sparring partners, labelled W and E

Consonant vs. Vowels - A challenging game for spelling review! It's a consonant player versus a vowel player. Who will be the winner?
Grades 4 - 6.

Fifty-Fifty - Fun word game for kids. Older students earn points as they engage in word play and spelling fun. Grades 4 - 8.

Missing Letters and In Between - Two super-simple ways for students to practice new vocabulary words, spelling words, and words from math, science, and other content areas. They're great 5-minute fillers, board work, and more. Fun, flexible reusable formats that your students will want to play again and again! Grades 4 - 8.

Shady Spelling  Students will "shade in" spaces on their game boards to win. I supply game boards at three different levels of difficulty for maximum flexibility, using the graded spelling lists on this website. Check out the rules for play, and make even more game boards to best suit your own group of students!


Mumbo-Jumbo  In this two-player game, students secretly pick a spelling word. Their opponent must guess the word, but in the process, the letters on the scrabble board look a lot like mumbo-jumbo!

Commercially produced kids' spelling word games, like Boggle  (TM) and Scrabble (TM) also provide a nice change of pace. We'll give you our best guidelines for making these games work for you in the classroom. Plus we'll recommend a few of our favorite games.

Interactive Spelling Games

Students jumping with glee at the chalkboard

Online Spelling Bee Game - Test your knowledge of some challenging spelling words. What score will you earn?

Here's another fun spelling bee quiz you're sure to love!  Look carefully at three tricky words. Choose the ONE that contains a spelling error. Check your answer on the spot!

Free Phonics Games

Letter Lane - Phonics game board

Letter Lane - A phomenic awareness board game that features beginning consonant sounds for the letters b,d,f and m. No reading is necessary.

Picture This Phonic Game - We think your early learners will enjoy this activity featuring short vowel words.  Which player can cover the most pictures?

Picture Perfect Game - More engaging pictures on this game board, featuring long vowel words. Fun for everyone!

Check out our collection of fun, free preschool games!

Our site is bursting with fun new ideas! Don't miss our  spelling worksheets and spelling homework ideas.

Author Ann Richmond Fisher

Ann Richmond Fisher is a longtime published educational writer, a former classroom teacher and a former homeschool teacher. Ann's spelling bee resources, graded spelling word lists, spelling games, worksheets, and other language arts resources have become respected around the globe since she launched Spelling-Words-Well in 2010.

Ann is also the creator of www.word-game-world.com.

Spelling Words Well logo

Visit my YouTube Channel for fun spelling practice videos!

AnyWord Spelling Practice eBooks

AnyWord Spelling Practice Series Worksheets, Games and Prompts that work with almost ANY spelling words!

Fun Spelling Worksheets cover

Fun Spelling Worksheets for Grades 1 and 2    50 All-new reproducible pages for early learners!

Gigantic Spelling Bee Word List Gr7-8

Gigantic Spelling Bee Word Lists with definitions, sentences and languages

Spelling Bee Toolbox Gr 35 cover

Spelling Bee Toolboxes for Grades 3/5 and 6/8   All the resources you need for a successful bee! 

Monumental Spelling Bee Word List, grade 56 cover

Monumental Spelling Bee Word Lists for grades 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8 with definitions, sentences and languages

Mammoth Spelling Word List, grade 34 cover

Mammoth Spelling Bee Word Lists  for grades 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8  with sentences, definitions, and languages

Young Spellers eBook cover 200pixel

Young Spellers Spelling Bee Word List for Grades 1 & 2 only 

100 Difficult Spelling Bee Words List, Vol 1  200 px

100 Difficult Spelling Bee Words with Definitions, Sentences and Pronunciations, Volumes 1 and 2

600 Spelling Bee Words & Sent. Gr6-8 200 px

600 Spelling Bee Words & Sentences for Gr 3/5 & 6/8 Extra words & sentences at two levels

101 Word Play Puzzlers ebook cover

101 Word Play Puzzlers   Discover the FUN of letters & words as you solve each unique puzzle. Great vocabulary & spelling practice!

You'll find more spelling games on my other website, too!