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NEW! Fourth Grade Spelling Words and Activities 

Excelling In Spelling Series

These fourth grade spelling words and activities will keep your kids learning, whether they're online, at home or in the classroom! Be ready for whatever this school year or summer may bring with this brand-new 4th grade spelling resource. 

  • Are you looking for spelling exercises that students can complete independently?
  • Do you want materials kids can complete in home school on their own?
  • Or do you need spelling materials in the classroom that you can vary for different levels? 

Then you are exactly the person I had in mind when I wrote this eBook!

fourth grade Excelling in Spelling cover

Kids will learn 180 superb words as they work through 12 topical units in this set of fourth grade spelling words and activities.

No printers are required! Kids can sit at a monitor or tablet with paper and pencil to complete the engaging exercises. They can complete most of the work independently if you like, or they can work under your instruction. Students can even work with partners. This eBook is a flexible resource, designed to meet your needs!

excited children at computer

Fourth graders are interested in a growing number of subjects, especially in science, math and the world around them. At this age, they also have a wide range of spelling abilities.

That's why I've included 15 words on the student page. I've also added 2 easier words and 2 harder words on the parent/teacher page, in case you need to switch out a couple of words for some students to make the word lists a bit easier, or a bit more difficult. 

If you're looking for a serious spelling resource that teaches kids to spell well and use the words they learn, this is it!

Inside the Fourth Grade Spelling Words and Activities: 

Take a look at a few of the pages inside this brand-new 4th grade spelling resource: 

Excelling grade 4 TOC
Grade 4 Excelling Book - Say What
Excelling grade 4 Fruit words and activities
Grade 4 Excelling Book - Say What2
Grade 4 Excelling Book - Say What Key
Grade 4 Excelling in Spelling Game

This set of Fourth Grade Spelling Words and Activities includes:

  • 12 topical units of 15 words each. Units include Fruits, Measurement, Travel, Insects, Music, Be a Detective,  U.S. States, Frequently Misspelled Words, and more. Each unit begins with the word list and some "Getting Started" activities that vary with each unit.
  • Activities for each unit include spelling patterns, word meaning, word play, writing prompts, and more. These can be adjusted according to student ability. Again, variety, quality learning and fun are all key!
  • Three games are included at the end of the book that can be played with almost any words for even more practice.
  • Parent/Teacher pages with easier and harder words are included for each list, along with complete answer keys and additional resources to extend student learning.

There's a LOT of learning packed into these pages for one low price!

Be ready for anything this year with the purchase of my new Fourth Grade Spelling Words and Activities

There's a very low price to pay for a high degree of relief, knowing that you're covered, with 12 spelling word units packed with lots of words and lots of learning activities. These flexible units are ready, whenever you need extra material or remote resources!

To Make a Purchase

Be sure to read all the ordering details below.

Select the red Fourth Grade button to purchase this fabulous eBook!

small furth grade spelling words & act cover

You may also wish to consider my Fifth Grade Spelling Word Lists and/or Sixth Grade Spelling Word Lists & Activities  eBook which have 240 new, more challenging words and features in each volume. Follow the title links for more info, or use the payment buttons here.

Save when you purchase BOTH books. Select the orange button to save now!

Fifth Grade Spelling Words and Activities  eBook Cover
Sixth Grade Spelling Words & Activities eBook from www.spelling-words-well.com

Fifth Grade $14.95

Fifth & Sixth Grade $24.95

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2. Supply your payment info, either a credit card or PayPal info. (Local sales taxes usually apply.)
3. When your payment is confirmed, you'll be taken to a download page. Click on the download links, and save the files. You will receive a file of instructions and a file for your eBook. In some cases, your will receive MULTIPLE files. Be sure to save each file at the time of purchase. You will not be allowed to return to the download page later. 

check mark

Satisfaction Guaranteed   Secure purchases are made through ClickBank and come with a 60-day money-back guarantee. 

Please Note  The prices shown are for the downloadable eBooks only. The books are currently not available in hard copy.

Author Ann Richmond Fisher

I'm Ann Richmond Fisher, former classroom teacher, home school teacher and longtime educational publisher. Thanks for stopping by to consider this great new collection of 4th grade spelling words and activities!

While you're here, please take a look at the rest of my website where you'll find nearly 400 pages of free, quality spelling content. Please contact me if you have any questions. 

Please visit my STORE page for a complete list of Spelling Bee Resources, Worksheets, Brain Teasers and more. Spelling-Words-Well.com is THE place for all your spelling needs!

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Visit my YouTube Channel for fun spelling practice videos!