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Wacky Word Spelling

I've spotted some great examples of wacky word spelling! Sadly (or gladly, because they are often funny), examples are everywhere!  Note that in most cases, actual names have been concealed to protect the identity of those who did not notice the errors. :)

Please send me examples of wacky misspellings that you find, using the form below. 

Wacky Word Spelling Examples

Wet Wax

These folks did a great job waxing the floors, but someone slid right past the correct spelling of ENTRANCE.

Hot Soup

This soup sounds delicious! Can you spot and correct the misspelling here?

Keep It Together!

Do not SEPARATE this set of toothbrushes! Separate is a frequently misspelled words. Find lots more here.

Frozen Fiasco

Look closely! Can you find two misspelled words on that one little sticker? Surely the food is safe to eat though, right?

(Special thanks to Joanna B. of Michigan for submitting this and the next two photos!)


These well-meaning folks made a mistake with one of those frequently misspelled words. Can you find it? Do you know how to fix it?

Misplaced hyphen

If you need to sign up (verb) to participate in an event, then you don't need to use a hyphen. On the other hand, if you're holding an event where people register for something, then you're having a sign-up (noun).

What does a submarine sandwich own?

This is a common error in a plural is confused with a possessive. The apostrophe indicates ownership. It's correct to say that the subs belong to, or were created by, Tony (i.e. Tony's Subs). It is not correct to state that something is owned by the subs. So there should be no apostrophe in Subs.

Find some fun misspellings on these printable worksheets!

Compound Confusion

ad with OVER TIME written incorrectly

Can you find the compound word that's written incorrectly? It should be OVERTIME, not OVER TIME.  When it's written as two words, I begin to wonder...Does that mean all the charges need to be paid at once? Are there no charges over a period of time? 

College Diploma

Graduates from this college received congratulations from the FACILITY rather than the FACULTY!!!  Hopefully they felt very honored that the buildings were happy for them.

Cash Register Receipt

receipt with misspelled words

Here are four misspellings/typos on one little receipt! Can you find them all?

Hot Food

chilli mac misspelled sign

As you probably know, the weather can be chilly and we eat chili, but I don't know of any word spelled chilli.  But, hey, it's the best in town, right? So even if the restaurant sign maker isn't good at word spelling, maybe the cooks are great at cooking!

Come to Our Wedding

I recently saw a wedding invitation with this misspelling:

misspelled wedding invitation

Do you think the mi$$pelled word provide$ a $ubtle hint as to what kind of gift the couple prefer$ to receive?

Music to Our Ears

misspelled message for a ukulele event

These photos were taken in a city that shall remain  anonymous, in front of businesses which shall also not be disclosed. Perhaps you've seen similar examples yourself!

Note: There are two ways spell UKULELE/UKELELE. This is not one of them. Perhaps the instrument was confused with the card game, Euchre?

Fishy Food

Cripsy fish misspelled sign

Something's fishy here,for sure! But I'm sure this popular spot has better cooks than spellers!

Math Mania?

misspelling from a math site

From an anonymous website...Violence in the classroom?

Your Turn!

Please submit your own examples using the secure form below. If you are unable to supply actual photos, just describe what you saw or recreate it in a graphics program. The truth is usually funnier than fiction, so there's no need to concoct something!

Have A Great Example of Wacky Word Spelling?

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Wacky Word Spelling Not rated yet
"Try our own Halipeno bread. It tastes delicious with chilly."

Click here to write your own.

Once you're on the lookout, it's amazing how often you can spot such misspellings! You'll see misspellings in grocery stores, especially the produce department. You'll see errors in newspapers and on websites. I've even seen one a license plate holder, believe it or not!

Tips for Correct Word Spelling

To help you avoid embarrassing misspellings, I've written lots of resources to help you spell correctly. Here are some of the most popular ones from this site:

because misspelled - crossed out

102 frequently misspelled words:  Study this list to boost your spelling abilities. Everybody has a few spelling glitches!

Dictionery or Dictionary?   A quick quiz to check your knowledge of the correct spelling for 25 words.

Troublesome Homonyms Explained, Part 1:  Improve spelling skills by choosing the correct homonym. Definitions and examples included for homonyms beginning with A - P.  Free pdf.  

Troublesome homonyms Explained, Part 2:  Here's more spelling help with homonyms. If your/you’re ever to/too confused to use the correct homonym, print out this free, handy reference tool! Homonyms beginning with P - Y.

You may also be interested in these Spelling Lessons.

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Visit my YouTube Channel for fun spelling practice videos!

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Young Spellers Spelling Bee Word List for Grades 1 & 2 only 

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100 Difficult Spelling Bee Words with Definitions, Sentences and Pronunciations, Volumes 1 and 2

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