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Second Grade Writing Prompts

This set of 12 second grade writing prompts will spur some great thinking and writing.  Choose one, two or all twelve of these for your favorite second grader!

list of second grade writing prompts

Text from the Printable Page

If you don't require the illustrated printable page, here is the text from this set of second grade writing prompts. Note that each prompt contains a bold word, from our second grade spelling words.

See my suggestions below for using these prompts. Make sure students understand that some of these prompts are about pretend situations, such as #1, 3, 4, 12 and others on this page.

boy on a ball doing a balancing act with a big stack of plates, cups and more

1. What are three things a lion might say to a mouse? 

2. What is the best thing about second grade?

3. Pretend that you keep a lock on a special box under your bed. What is in the box?

4. There is a giant panda in your swimming pool. What will you do?

5. There is a big hole in your yard. What will you see when you look down the hole?

6. What is your favorite book to read with a friend? why?


7. Draw a scribbly shape. Then pretend it is a new toy. What is it called? How do you play with it?

8. Your math book says that one plus one is three. When your teacher finds this mistake, what will happen?

9. Write a poem about wish made by a fish. 

pair of feet with matching shoes and socks

10. It will take a lot of time to finish your classroom chore today. What is it? Why will it take so long?

11. Name three healthful snacks.

12. Sam’s pet rabbit hops away for one hour every day. What do you think the rabbit does while it is gone?

Tips for using these second grade writing prompts:

  • For extra spelling practice, ask students to use the words in BOLD at least once or twice in each piece that they write. 
  • Encourage kids to illustrate their work.
  • When appropriate, post student work on a classroom display. Be sure they've had the opportunity to edit their work before posting it.
  • Try this set of 2nd grade writing prompts, too! 

More Writing Resources

Second grade lesson plans - 25 spelling dictation sentences and full instructions. Use a few of these each week to provide students with extra practice in writing, spelling and using spelling words in context.

2nd Grade Worksheets : A fun collection of printable worksheets for kids in second grade. Some pages will benefit kids a bit older or younger, so be sure to check them out! For grades 1-3.

2nd Grade Phonics Worksheets -  "Finish the Word" and "Match the Word Endings" are two colorful pages for basic phonics practice

Fun Spelling Worksheets for Grades 1-2

Be sure to check out our collection of Fun Spelling Worksheets for grades 1 and 2.  You'll find lots of all-new pages, not on the website, to help boost your first and second graders' spelling and phonics skills!

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Visit my YouTube Channel for fun spelling practice videos!

AnyWord Spelling Practice eBooks

AnyWord Spelling Practice Series Worksheets, Games and Prompts that work with almost ANY spelling words!

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Fun Spelling Worksheets for Grades 1 and 2    50 All-new reproducible pages for early learners!

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