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Easy Crossword Puzzles

Easy crossword puzzles provide great language practice. Students need to read clues, figure out the answers, and then spell the answers correctly as they place them in to the grid. Be sure to try lots of crosswords while you're here at Spelling-Words-Well!

Watermelon Words

girl eating a slice of fresh watermelon

What's so clever about this crossword? The answer to every clue is spelled using only the letters in WATERMELON. You'd be surprised at just how many words are possible. Hopefully this is a sweet, juicy challenge for you, and not too seedy!

Printable Version and Answers

Watermelon Words crossword


1.    A chunk of rock from space that makes a light streak in the sky

3.    H2O

7.    To resume or take up again

8.    Small gardening tool

9.    Bumps on the skin, from toads?

11.  Group of females

14.  Lease payment

15.  Find out new information

17.  Inn

18.  A large plant with bark

19.  Yellow fruit

20.  Tidier

22.  Back tooth

23.  Usual or ordinary

fresh watermelon


1.   Shelf above a fireplace

2. Mental attitude of a person or group, especially regarding confidence during adversity

4.   Tall fortress

5.   A car that is lent to replace one that’s being serviced

6.   Cat sound

10. Squad of players

12. Relating to the mind

13. Far off

16. Lasting through all time

17. A teacher and role model

21. Village

Digging a Little Deeper...

How many more WATERMELON words can you list that are not in the puzzle? Try to list at least 20 more that are spelled with at least FOUR letters. Scroll down to the blue button for some possible answers. 

More Easy Crossword Puzzles

Double Z

Why not try this puzzle next, featuring Double Z words?  Will you be puzzled or dazzled by this fun kids crossword?

Find the Misspellings Crossword  Kids love to find mistakes! To complete this page, they'll need to find one misspelled word in each sentence and write it correctly in the puzzle.

a barrel of monkeys

Scrambled Animals Crossword - Unscramble the names of 15 well-known animals and write them correctly into the puzzle. It's more fun than a barrel of monkeys!

Homophone Crossword - It won't be too/two hard to write/right the correct answers in the puzzle, will it?

More Kids Crosswords from Word-Game-World

I've written lots of entertaining, educational and easy crossword puzzles for my other site, word-game-world.com. Topics range from colors to calendars to capital cities. Here are just two of my favorites for you to try:

big tub of theater popcorn

Disney Crossword Puzzles One of our most popular kids printable crossword puzzles! Supply the names of some major characters from several Walt Disney stories and movies.

Color Crossword for Kids Try to unscramble color words in this puzzle. This is a super-simple crossword for young learners.

Show the answer! Here are thirty. There are many more as well. renewal, welter, rename, meaner, antler, ornate, rental, relent, enamel, leaner, molten, lament, lawmen, matron, mortal, enamor, loner, alert, manor, tamer, metal, orate, meter, owner, emote, talon, enter, towel, lamer, alone, late, mate, meat, more, mote, rote, role, warm, warn, wore, worn, ...

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