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Easy Brain Teasers With Answers

Easy spelling brain teasers and answers from #spellingwordswell.

Here are some fun, quick-thinking brain teasers with answers that include lots of spelling and vocabulary practice.

These twelve questions are presented and explained in four different sections.  You can find more slightly more difficult versions of similar brain teasers here.

Printable  Version and Answers 

Cat and dog dancing to music, from our Easy Brain Teasers with Answers. Printable version or online version of 12 fun spelling #brainteasers available from #spellingwordswell

One at a Time

Here’s how you can change the word DOG to CAT by changing just one letter at time:  DOG, DOT, COT, CAT

1. Change PIG to HEN in the same way. Be sure to spell real words each time. (Please note that there may be many different ways to solve these puzzlers.)


2. Now change BAT to FOX by changing one letter at a time. Be sure to spell real words.   


Happy boy from our brain teasers with answers collection. 12 fun printable #brainteasers from #spellingwordswell.com

3. Now change SHOE to BOOT.


 4. For a more difficult challenge, change HEAT to COLD.


Green playing die, from our collection of 12 Easy Brain Teasers with Answers

Rhyme Time

The words sun, shoe, flee rhyme with three words often used together: one, two, three.

 5. Write a set of three related words that rhyme with chop, hip, bump.

hop, skip, jump

 6. Write a set of three related words that rhyme with label, wear, slouch.

table, chair, couch

7. Find a set of three related words that rhyme with many, pickle, slime. Be sure to spell each one correctly.

penny, nickel, dime

Cars piled up in a traffic jam, from our collection of 12 Easy Brain Teasers with Answers

Tricky Transportation

If you change the w in want to a k and then rearrange the letters kant, you can spell tank, one form of transportation Now change one letter in each of these words and rearrange the letters to spell more kinds of transportation.

8. tea


9. push


10. poems


Eating on the Run

Here are just two  more brain teasers with answers. Spell a food using only letters in the name of each city. You do not need to use all the letters, and you may change the order of the letters.

 11. CAROLEEN (North Carolina)


12.  KIMBALL (Nebraska)


More Brain Teasers With Answers

red question mark

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You and your students may also enjoy these Brain Teaser Games from www.word-game-world.

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Picture Puzzlers - Two printable brain teaser worksheets where knowing how to spell simple words is a must!

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Multiple-meaning jokes and riddles - Light-hearted word fun! What a great way to practice language skills!

Hilarious Homonyms - More word play riddles featuring words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings. Great practice for students!

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Rhymonyms TM -  Challenging new word play for upper grade students and adults. Think of a pair of rhyming words for each set of synonyms. Printable, free and fun!

First Two Letters - The first two letters to every answer in this list of brain teasers are either supplied or partially revealed. You only need to finish spelling the words. This should be easy -- right?

We also have lots of spelling word games and spelling worksheets for all ages. Our aim is to provide a wealth of enjoyable spelling resources to help everyone spell words well!

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Visit my YouTube Channel for fun spelling practice videos!

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