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8th Grade Spelling Words

8th grade spelling words

Our list of 8th grade spelling words contains 250 challenging, interesting words! What can be better than knowing how to use and spell words  like phenomenon, meticulous, and voracious?

Students at this level should already have a mastery of many of the words they use. However, many may still have "glitches" - a misunderstood or forgotten spelling rule, a few words they consistently misspell, and some important words they've not yet encountered.

smiling 8th grade boy

Eighth graders are developing wide-ranging vocabularies.  Let's be sure they can spell the words they use!

8th Grade Spelling Words

Printable version of 8th grade spelling words

accommodate abstain accumulate
accustomed acoustics acquaintance
acquisition acquittal adolescence
adolescent advantageous aerial
amateur amnesty anecdote
annoyance anonymous antecedent
antidote antiseptic anxious
apology apostrophe appendixes
applicant approximate archaic
architect arrangement asphalt
asterisk asthma awkward
bachelor bankruptcy barometer
belligerent berserk besieged
biannual bimonthly biographical
brilliance budge burglary
cameos capably  caricature
catastrophe chameleon chandelier
characteristic chauffeur chrysanthemum
circumference collaborate collateral
colleague colonel confiscate
confiscation conscious consequence
considerable contagious controversy
continuous correlation council
counsel criticism criticize
critique crypt cylinder
deficiency desirable desolate
deterrent diagnosis dialogue
dilemma disbursement discernible
discrepancy dominance embargo
endeavor envious epidemic
equilibrium erroneous escalator
excessive existence extremity
extricate façade fashionable
fiasco fibrous fiery
flamboyant forgery frivolous
frostbitten glamorous gorgeous
grotesque gymnasium haphazard
hazardous headquarters honorary
horrific hospitality incidentally
inconvenience indulgence inept
inevitable innumerable insistent
insufficient integrity intermittent
internally interrogate jewelry
legitimate leisure lieutenant
longevity lucrative lunar
luncheon luxurious malady
malicious malignant melodious
mercenary mesmerize meteor
meticulous metropolitan minimize
miscellaneous mischievous misdemeanor
necessity negligence neutral
newsstand nostalgia noticeable
obesity obscure obsolete
obstinate occurred ominous
optimism optimistic outrageous
pageant parachute paralysis
parliament penitentiary perceive
permeate perseverance personality
personification persuade phenomenon
plaintiff pneumonia politician
potential precipice precocious
predecessor preferably prestigious
procrastinate propeller prosperous
protein pseudonym psychiatrist
questionnaire radioactive rampage
recurrent rehearsal relevant
religious roommate sacrifice
sacrificial sanctuary scandalized
schedule scheme schism
scholar semester serviceable
shrine shuddering sieve
snobbery solitary sophomore
studious subtlety suburban
surmise susceptible suspicious
taboo technically technology
tyranny unacceptable unconscious
undernourished unduly unenforceable
unique universal unpredictable
unsanitary utopia vaccinate
vacillate venom vertigo
vessel vigilant villain
vitamin vivacious vocalize
voracious voucher vulnerable

Use this general list of 8th grade spelling words to supplement your own spelling program. These words are great to use for worksheets, games and puzzles.

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8th Grade Worksheet with Vocab and Spelling practice from www.spelling-words-well.com

8th Grade Worksheet featuring an ARMADILLO! Students must form a word for each clue using only the letters in ARMADILLO, then place the words correctly into the diagram. Great vocab and spelling practice!

8th grade vocabulary and spelling ideas from www.spelling-words-well.com

Here's an informative list of tips for developing 8th grade vocabulary and spelling skills. Ideas are listed for both home and classroom use.

At-TEN-tion!  Complete the spellings of words with the letters TEN on this fun English worksheet. Great vocabulary and spelling practice! 

Smiling race car driver in helmet, goggles and scarf

Fun Brain Teasers for Students  These fun brain teasers will check your students' spelling and vocabulary skills. They’ll also tickle their funny bones! Try to answer such questions as "What can be right by never wrong?"  "What part of a book do you sleep under?" and many more!

Travel Teaser - One of our most difficult logic brain teasers. Can you figure out who went where and when? You'll need to know the correct spellings of several tricky words, plus you'll need to read carefully, and -- of course -- use skills in logic and critical thinking.

Which One Is It? Crossword

Which One Is It?  Don’t try to solve this tricky puzzle while you’re blindfolded. Instead, use what you know about correct spelling! Choose the one word that is spelled correctly and write it in the puzzle. Write the misspelled word correctly in the blank on the clues page.

Muddled Music Crossword - Sharpen your focus to solve this one! Replace one or two letters in each clue to spell a musical term.

mammoth - synonym cw puzzle

Synonym Crossword: Can you solve this mammoth-sized challenge? For each clue you must select a synonym that fits into the diagram. Of course, some words have a LOT of synonyms, so you have to think carefully to choose the right one that fits into the crossword and works with all the answers. But surely, you CAN do it!!!

More Helpful Word Lists

bee surrounded by letters SPELLING

Students may also find it helpful to study these words for spelling bee competitions. This list is especially good for 7th and 8th grade spelling bee contestants. 

8th graders may also find these word lists to be helpful:

because misspelled - crossed out

102 frequently misspelled words Have you mastered all of these? Do you spell these words correctly every time? Try words including accommodate, acquaintance, courageous, desperately, mischievous, rhythm, schedule, separate, and dozens more!

50 Sets of often confused homonyms We give you definitions and sample sentences to help you learn to correctly use these sometimes tricky words.

9th grade spelling words Try this next set of challenging words that includes ubiquitous, idiosyncrasy, rococo and many more. How many do you already know?

Author Ann Richmond Fisher

Ann Richmond Fisher is a longtime published educational writer, a former classroom teacher and a former homeschool teacher. Ann's spelling bee resources, graded spelling word lists, spelling games, worksheets, and other language arts resources have become respected around the globe since she launched Spelling-Words-Well in 2010.

Ann is also the creator of www.word-game-world.com.

Spelling Words Well logo

Visit my YouTube Channel for fun spelling practice videos!

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101 Word Play Puzzlers   Discover the FUN of letters & words as you solve each unique puzzle. Great vocabulary & spelling practice!

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Gigantic Spelling Bee Word Lists with definitions, sentences and languages

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Spelling Bee Toolboxes for Grades 3/5 and 6/8   All the resources you need for a successful bee! 

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Monumental Spelling Bee Word Lists for grades 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8 with definitions, sentences and languages

Mammoth Spelling Word List, grade 34 cover

Mammoth Spelling Bee Word Lists  for grades 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8  with sentences, definitions, and languages

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Young Spellers Spelling Bee Word List for Grades 1 & 2 only 

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100 Difficult Spelling Bee Words with Definitions, Sentences and Pronunciations, Volumes 1 and 2

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600 Spelling Bee Words & Sentences for Gr 3/5 & 6/8 Extra words & sentences at two levels